7 Ways VPS will Supercharge your Web Hosting — Blog- Web Hosting Services | Best cloud hosting | Cloud web hosting- CloudHostWorld

swapnil duphare
5 min readJun 1, 2021


A is just too expensive but you are also fed up with the slow loading time! is a popular choice for many budding and established enterprises because of their reduced costs.

But everything that comes cheap is not necessary to be guaranteed quality. Shared hosting does not have any control that you can exercise and, in most cases, hosts more than one user.

This leads to a saturation quite often on the system where loading speed is reckoned.so here we will show you the 7 Ways VPS will Supercharge your Web Hosting Now :

You don’t have to be making this sort of adjustment as you can very well opt for a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Even though it is not completely a dedicated server but it does come with its own set of abilities which resembles a mini dedicated server.

Even though there are other users on the server you will not be completely deprived of any control. The workings of a VPS can be understood with an example of an apartment building where you are the owner of a complete floor in the building. It is the same here.

Each user has an independent server on the same hardware with a different operating system. Even if the entire building is not yours, you can still benefit from the privacy that you enjoy the complete ownership of the floor.

VPS offers you that control and liberty which can do away with the lagging performance.

Here are the seven ways through which a VPS will be optimum to the level of a dedicated server but at a much lesser cost-

The server in shared hosting has other users as well. In order to restrict any user to completely drain out the resources that the server offers, certain restrictions are put to place.

Because of these restrictions, you cannot exercise control over the usage of resources. Often it happens so that due to the overloading of users milking the resources the overall performance of the server goes down.

Sometimes there may not even be enough space for websites to perform to their best potential. This in turn puts a backlog in carrying out tasks.

VPS does not share resources with other users. Each of them has its own dedicated resources. They have their own memory devices and bandwidth which makes it absolutely reliable.

You will get fewer complaints from your customers about your server being down. Since you will have more disk space with super-fast SSD drives, you can very well store more data and run more number of websites.

Your site will load much faster and can handle more amount of traffic. Thanks to these resources you can accommodate a large bandwidth.

Conduct a restriction-free business over a VPS network. You have the freedom to choose any operating system to be it the traditional Linux and Windows or any other. You do not have to share it with other VPS hosts.

You can make an independent choice of the operating system that you find suitable. Also, you can work and avail apps that otherwise in a shared server would be completely restricted.

You will have a server for yourself. Keep the worries of data theft or slow performance at bay. In a VPS, all sorts of restrictions are removed as there is no more shared housed users. You can customize and choose to work with apps that best suit you.

Most of the management aspects will be covered by the VPS provider only. They will completely look at the hardware and also if an issue arises will also try and fix any software problem.

As discussed in the previous point, the customer service is at its best to serve you. You will not have to worry if you ever get stuck. Trained and experienced experts are at your disposal whenever you encounter a problem.

If you are not very savvy of hosting and other technicalities you can rest assured as you will be guided through quite well.

Like how you understand the need for stationing customer support for your business, the providers to understand your need.

With a VPS host, you don’t have to worry about its upkeeping at all. The providers will completely look into that territory.

The complete hardware setup and ensuring that it is working will be made sure by the service providers.

If at any such instance, your hardware needs repairing, there is no stop to the services. You will be automatically assigned another hardware through which you can carry on with your business uninterrupted.

Imagine not taking any onus of protecting your data! What a relief that would be. With the latest firewalls, there is absolute protection from malware attacks and many such malicious practices.

Data is a treasure today. Loss of it can prove immensely fatal. The loss of data is equivalent to a financial one.

In such a scenario, the one thing that is required to be done is backups, a lot of it. Every data that the organization deals with should have a backup to fall back on in times of an unpleasant loss.

Cloud backups today are the best option that can offer complete coverage of all the data over a VPS. You can set backup frequencies depending on when it best suits your business.

Further cloud storage comes with their set of advantages like encryption and data integrity to offer complete and solid protection.

Today, businesses are customer-centric. This means that the customer provides and requires a great amount of data for every service that they avail.

E-commerce today is blooming like anything thanks to server advancements and cloud computing.

While dedicated servers can be a good option only if you have the finance to dispose of, VPS would make a great deal if you are looking for greater control, speed, safety, and convenience at an affordable price.

Originally published at https://www.cloudhostworld.com.

